Meet the Creators

dave illustration Backyard Farm Publications
Is publishing your own book on your Bucket List?
Maybe you've sent your manuscript or finished picture book off to agents and publishers with the heartbreaking response...
'Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to consider your project. I carefully read and consider each submission I receive, and I will have to respectfully pass. Accepting a book for publication is subjective, and while I couldn't take on your project, another publisher may well feel differently. I know your work is important to you and I thank you for thinking of us. Wishing you all the very best with your writing and illustration.'
Maybe you want to be in complete control of everything and cut out the middleman and loyalties?
If the answer to any of the above questions is 'yes' then you are just like us, and we can help you!
Publishing your own book is one of the greatest feelings in any author's career. After all, these stories usually signify and reflect significant, highly emotional aspects of our lives. They are important to us, so much so, we've dedicated hours and hours of time and love to make them special. You know others would enjoy reading them, they're meant to be heard. Then when that 'ping' comes and you're turned down, your heart sinks...'What do I do now?'
If you would like support to get your story into Waterstones, on Amazon and ultimately, into the homes of families across the globe, contact us so that we can arrange a chat. Dave and I have worked hard to become completely independant and in complete control of all our productions, printing, marketing and distribution. The benefits...we know exactly how much money we've spent and how much money our sales have earnt us.
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