


Shelly is Percy’s big twin sister. She hatched merely minutes before Percy did. Even though she was still so young, she had already made a bond with her brother that was so strong, she helped save his life.

Shelly’s name came from the fact that part of her shell stuck on her head when she was hatching. She loves her hat so much, she hasn’t taken it off since.

As Shelly is the big sister, she is also the most confident and adventurous of the twins. She isn’t afraid of anything (yet) and will protect her younger brother with her life. We often hear her whispering… “Come on Percy, let’s go!” Then five minutes later, they’re in trouble with their mum!

Trivia / Facts

Chicks are able to identify their mothers using vision and sound. Even in the dark, chicks will still be able to find their mother by communicating through noises and cheeps.

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